
The programme for the workshop is as follows:

Satellite Soil Moisture Validation & Application Workshop 2014

Amsterdam, NL
10-11 July 2014

Day 1: 10 July 2014
09:00 10:50 Sensors (Chair: Yann Kerr)
09:00 09:10 Welcome and workshop objectives Richard de Jeu (VUA)
09:10 09:50 The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Combined Instrument Surface Soil Moisture Product Dara Entekhabi (MIT)
09:50 10:10 ESA’s Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity Mission - An overview on the mission’s performance and scientific results Susanne Mecklenburg (ESA)
10:10 10:30 Towards Sentinel-1 Soil Moisture Data Services: The Approach taken by the Earth Observation Data Centre for Water Resources Monitoring Wolfgang Wagner (TU Wien)
10:30 10:50 Current developments in ASCAT soil moisture services Julia Figa (Eumetsat)
10:50 11:15 Coffee
11:15 12:35 Validation, Data Products and Networks I (Chair: Peter van Oevelen)
11:15 11:35 Towards Validation of SMAP Downscaled Soil Moisture Jeffrey Walker (Monash University)
11:35 11:55 Synergies and complementarities between ASCAT and SMOS soil moisture products Maria Jose Escorihuela (isardSat)
11:55 12:15 Monitoring Surface Soil Moisture by Combining SMOS and MODIS Products with In-situ Measurements John Qu
(George Mason University)
12:15 12:35 The Joint Assessment of Soil Moisture Indicators (JASMIN) Project: A community effort to respond to user needs in agriculture and water resources Ernesto Hugo Berbery (University of Maryland
12:35 13:50 Lunch
13:50 15:10 Validation, Data Products and Networks II (Chair: Matthias Drusch)
13:50 14:10 The updated CCI soil moisture product: 35 years of observations for climate research Wouter Dorigo
(TU Wien)
14:10 14:30 Assessing the large-scale spatial representativeness of temporal dynamics of soil moisture over the United States using point and global scale data sets Nadine Nicolai-Shaw
14:30 14:50 Evaluation of a global soil moisture product by means of finer spatial resolution SAR data and ground measurements over Europe Chiara Pratola (UCC)
14:50 15:10 Toward assimilation of satellite soil moisture products over Europe William Lahoz
15:10 15:30 Coffee
15:30 16:00 Discussion
16:00 18:00 Poster Session + Drinks (optional tour Trippenhuis)
19:00 Dinner at the Waag


Satellite Soil Moisture Validation & Application Workshop 2014

Amsterdam, NL
10-11 July 2014

Day 2: 11 July 2014
09:10 10:30 Soil Moisture Applications I (Chair: Wolfgang Wagner)
09:10 09:50 Downscaling Coarse-scale Satellite Soil Moisture for Validation Studies and Applications Eric Wood (Princeton)
09:50 10:10 SMOS – Land Product Developments and Applications Matthias Drusch (ESA)
10:10 10:30 Using satellite soil moisture in large-scale water resources estimation Albert van Dijk (ANU)
10:30 11:00 Coffee
11:00 12:30 Soil Moisture Applications II (Chair: Jaap Schellekens)
11:00 11:20 Soil Moisture Monitoring For Agricultural Risk Assessment in Canada Using a Multi-Sensor Dataset Catherine Champagne (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada)
11:20 11:40 Joining forces for food security – Linking earth observation and crowd-sourcing for improved decision-support to aid organizations Markus Enenkel
(TU Wien)
11:40 12:00 Data assimilation of satellite observed soil moisture in the vegetation model SiBCASA, and the effects on carbon turnover Michiel van der Molen
12:00 12:20 Correction of Real-Time Global Precipitation Measurements with multi-sensor satellite observations Niko Wanders (Utrecht University)
12:20 13:30 Lunch
13:30 14:50 Soil Moisture Application III (Chair: Richard de Jeu)
13:30 13:50 Relations between meteorological, soil moisture and hydrological drought in a region with complex regional groundwater flow (Gelderland, The Netherlands) Ryan Teuling
13:50 14:10 Recent Progress in Land Data Assimilation at the Met Office Brett Candy
(Met Office)
14:10 14:30 Soil moisture and vegetation trend shifts in the African Sahel? Jan Verbesselt (WUR)
14:30 14:50 Global land evaporation from satellite data: applications for hydrology and climate Diego Miralles
(Gent Univ.)
14:50 15:15 Coffee
15:15 16:15 Algorithm development (Chair: Susanne Mecklenburg)
15:15 15:35 An application of ANN techniques for the soil moisture retrieval from active and passive microwave satellite acquisitions Emanuele Santi (IFAC CNR)
15:35 15:55 Considering combined roughness and vegetation effects in soil moisture retrievals Marie Parrens
15:55 16:15 A study towards the integration of SMOS Soil Moisture in a consistent climate record Richard de Jeu (VUA)
16:15 16:30 Closure Workshop (Han Dolman)




Satellite Soil Moisture Validation & Application Workshop 2014

Amsterdam, NL
10-11 July 2014

Poster Presentations
Surname Name Institution Abstract Title
Brocca Luca CNR Estimating Rainfall from Global Satellite Soil Moisture Data: Recent Improvements and Applications
de Nijs Anne VU University A Methodology to Determine Radio Frequency Interference in AMSR2 Observations
Diamandi Andrei National Meteorological Administration The Romanian Soil Moisture & Temperature Observation Network for Satellite Soil Moisture Products Validation
Gevaert Anouk VU University Improved Downscaled Soil Moisture Product by Masking Precipitation
Haarbrink Roland B. Miramap Systematic L-band Fieldscans over Agricultural Fields in the Netherlands and Belgium
Kothe Steffen Goethe University Frankfurt Soil moisture assimilation in the framework of regional decadal climate predictability
Laiolo Paola CIMA research Foundation Impacts of the assimilation of remote sensing soil moisture products into a continuous distributed hydrological model
Mittelbach Heidi ETH Zurich Validation of the ESA CCI soil moisture product
Petrova Irina Max Planck Institute for Meteorology Understanding Land-Atmosphere Interactions on Mesoscales Using Observations over the Sahel
Rasmy Mohamed University of Tokyo A coupled atmosphere and land data assimilation system (CALDAS): a way forward for enhancing the skills of numerical predictions
van Emmerik Tim Delft University of Technology Impact of diurnal differences in vegetation water content on radar backscatter of maize during water stress
Vreugdenhil Mariette Vienna University of Technology Linking vegetation parameters derived from active and passive microwave observations
Wang Zengyan Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences A study on the parameter sensitivity analysis of L-MEB model for passive microwave soil moisture retrieval