
Critical Zone Hydrology Group

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Flood forecasting and hydrological modelling

Theme leader: Dr. Jaap Schellekens

Flood forecasting is one of the areas in which hydrological models are used everyday and where the science behind the models is put to the ultimate real-life test. However, many operational systems around the world have been in use for a long time as agencies tend to remain tied to their tried and trusted models.
In recent years it has become easier for operational agencies to ingest newly developed hydrological models as the software frameworks have become more flexible and have moved from a model centered approach to a data centered approach. The DELFT-FEWS philosophy and software has been one of the most successful flexible forecasting frameworks and is currently running at a large number of operational agencies around the world. As such there is now a large number of systems in which the current (lumped conceptual) hydrological 'work horses' can be replaced by a new generation of models that take the spatial distribution of hydrological processes into account.
Within the VUA Critical Zone Hydrology group new hydrological modelling concepts are being developed and tested with field measurements to validate the representation of individual processes. The wflow_sbm model concept (part of the open streams project) is based on the detailed processed-based model cqflow and is now being tested in the Rhine basin and in the Citarum basin in Indonesia.
The aim of the Flood Forecasting theme within the Amsterdam Critical Zone Hydrology group's research is to continue to put our newly found understanding of hydrological processes to the test in operational systems in order to improve the predictions. This also includes the use of tracers to further improve our understanding of the processes underlying flood generation.


Last modified: Wed Dec 30 12:34:15 CET 2015