Critical Zone Hydrology Group





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Paper spotlight

New Nature paper on offshore fresh groundwater reserves

Koos Groen and Henk Kooi publish new paper on offshore freshgroundwater reserves in Nature. Click here for the online version of the paper and here for the press release (in Dutch).

New Chandra Ghimire paper in Journal of Geophysical Research to be featured in AGU's Research Spotlight section of Eos

Chandra Ghimire's new paper entitled 'Reforesting severely degraded grassland in the Lesser Himalaya of Nepal: Effects on soil hydraulic conductivity and overland flow production' (Journal of Geophysical Research, Earth Surface) has been elected as Research Spotlight of the week in AGU's Eos magazine (Eos 94(51), p. 504). Click here for the online version of the paper.

New paper by Hylke Beck in Water Resources Research to be featured in AGU's Research Spotlight section of Eos

Hylke Beck's new paper entitled 'Global patterns in base flow index and recession based on streamflow observations from 3394 catchments' (Water Resources Research 49, doi:2013WR013918) has been selected as Research Spotlight of the week in AGU's Eos magazine (Eos 94(51), p. 504). Click here for the online version of the paper.