Research interests
- Kooi, H. (2016) Groundwater flow as a cooling agent of the continental lithosphere, Nature Geoscience, 9(2), doi:10.1038/ngeo2642
- Visser,P.W., Kooi, H., Stuyfzand P.J. (2015) The thermal impact of aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) systems; a case study combining monitoring and modeling, Hydrogeology Journal, 23, 507-532, doi:10.1017/s10040-014-1224-z
- Ter Voorde, M., van Balen, R., Luijendijk, E., Kooi, H. (2014) Weiselian and Holocene climate history reflected in temperatures in the upper crust of The Netherlands, Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 93(3), 107-117, doi:10.1017/njg.2014.9
- Ziabakhsh Ganji Z., Kooi, H. (2014) Sensitivity of CO2 storage capacity of underground geological structures to the presence of SO2 and other impurities, Applied Energy, 135, 43-52
- Post, V.E.A.,Groen, J., Kooi, H., Person, M., Ge, S., Edmunds, W.M. (2013) Offshore fresh groundwater reserves as a global phenomenon, Nature, 504, 71-78, doi:10.1038/nature12585
- Ziabakhsh Ganji Z., Kooi, H. (2014) Sensitivity of Joule-Thomson cooling to impure CO2 injection in depleted gas reservoirs, Applied Energy , 113, 434-451, doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2013.07.059.
- Watson, V., Kooi, H., Bense, V.F. (2013) Potential controls on cold-season river flow behavior in subarctic river basins in Siberia, Journal of Hydrology, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.03.011
- Kooi H., M. Gutierrez-Neri, T. Tambach, A. Obdam, D. Loeve, P. van Hemert (2012) Report on studies of the bulk phase behavior of CO2 and of gas mixtures containing CO2, CH4, NOx and SOx in porous medium at various temperatures and pressures, Internal report CATO2-WP3.02-D04, 81 pp. (
- Ziabakhsh Ganji Z., Kooi, H. (2012) An Equation of State for thermodynamic equilibrium of gas mixtures and brines to allow simulation of the effects of impurities in subsurface CO2 storage, Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control 11S, 21-34, doi: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2012.07.025.
- Bense, V. Kooi, H., Ferguson, G., Read, T. (2012) Permafrost degradation as a control on hydrogeological regime shifts in a warming climate, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, F03036, doi:10.1029/2011JF002143.
- Bonte, M, Geris, J., Post, V.E.A., Bense, V., van Dijk, H.J.A.A., Kooi, H. (2013) Mapping surface water-groundwater interactions and associated geological faults using temperature profiling, In: Groundwater and Ecosystems, IAH Selected Papers on Hydrology Taylor and Francis, Chapter 8. (p. 81-94)
- Kooi, H., Visser, P., Bonte, M. (2011) Geothermal conditions and processes in the Dutch subsurface to several hundred meters depth, Proceedings 1st Nationaal Congres Bodemenergie, Utrecht, 13-14 Oct 2011, A1_1430.
- Visser, P., Kooi, H., Bonte, M. (2011) The influence of aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) on the subsurface heat balance, in relation to other natural and man induced processes,Proceedings 1st Nationaal Congres Bodemenergie, Utrecht, 13-14 Oct 2011, A1_1530.
- Bonte, M., Visser, P., Kooi, H., van Breukelen, B., Claas, J., Rovati, C., Stuyfzand, P. (2011) Effects of aquifer thermal energy storage on groundwater quality elucidated by field and laboratory investigation, Proceedings 1st Nationaal Congres Bodemenergie, Utrecht, 13-14 Oct 2011, A1_1650.
- Gutierrez-Neri, M., Tambach, T.J., Kooi H. (2011) Near-well effects during injection during CO2 injection into depleted gas fields; In: Proceedings of the 1st Sustainable Earth Sciences Conference & Exhibition; Technologies for Sustainable Use of the Deep Subsurface, 8-11 November 2011, Valencia, Spain..
- Tambach, T.J., Gutierrez-Neri, M., Koenen, M., van Bergen, F., Kooi, H., van der Meer, L.G.H. (2011) Reactive transport modelling of CO2 injection into P18; In: Proceedings of the 1st Sustainable Earth Sciences Conference & Exhibition; Technologies for Sustainable Use of the Deep Subsurface, 8-11 November 2011, Valencia, Spain.
- Green, T.R., M. Taniguchi, H. Kooi, J.J. Gurdak, D.M. Allen, K,M. Hiscock, H. Treidel, and A. Aureli (2011) Beneath the surface of global change: Impacts of climate change on groundwater, Journal of Hydrology 405, 532-560. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.05.002.
- Oude Essink G. and Kooi H. (2011) Land Subsidence and Sea Level Rise Threaten Freshwater Resources in the Coastal Groundwater System of the Rijnland Water Board, The Netherlands. In: Climate Change Effects on Groundwater Resources, A Global Synthesis of Findings and Recommendations, International Contributions to Hydrogeology, 27, chapter 13.
- Simmons, CT, Bauer-Gottwein, P, Graf, T, Kinzelbach, W, Kooi, H, Li, L, Post, V, Prommer, H, Therrien, R, Voss, C, Ward, J & Werner, AD (2010), Variable density groundwater flow: from modelling to applications, In: Groundwater Modelling in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas, International Hydrology Series, ed Wheater HS, Mathias SA, Li X, Cambridge University Press, London, pp. 87-117.
- Bense, V.F., G. Ferguson and H. Kooi (2009) Evolution of shallow groundwater flow systems in areas of degrading permafrost, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L22401, doi:10.1029/2009GL039225.
- Cohen, D., M. Person, P. Wang, C.W. Gable, D. Hutchinson, A. Marksamer, B. Dugan, H. Kooi, J. Groen, D. Lizarralde, R.L. Evans, F.D. Day-Lewis, and J.W. Lane Jr. (2009), Origin and Extent of Fresh Paleowaters on the Atlantic Continental Shelf, USA. Ground Water, doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2009.00627.x
- Holmes, T.R.H., H. Kooi, R.A.M. de Jeu and M. Owe (2009) Reply to comment by J. Wang and R.L. Bras on 'Estimating the soil temperature profile from a single depth observation: A simple empirical heatflow solution'. Water Resources Research, doi:10.1029/2008WR007513.
- Kooi, H., (2008) Groundwater Palaeohydrology. In: Climate and the Hydrological Cycle, M.F.P. Bierkens, A.J. Dolman, P.A. Troch (Eds). IAHS Special publication 8, 235-254.
- Kooi, H., (2008) Compactiebijdragen aan bodemdaling langs de kust. In: Bodemdaling langs de Nederlandse kust, F. Barends et al., Eds., IOS Press, Amsterdam, p. 19-28.
- Kooi, H., (2008) Spatial variability in subsurface warming over the last three decades; insight from repeated borehole temperature measurements in The Netherlands. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 270, 86-94. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.03.015
- Van der Molen, M., en H. Kooi (2008) Warmteindringing in de bodem als functie van oppervlaktebedekking. Bijdrage aan KWR-BTO project Waterkwaliteit in leidingnet. 24 pp.
- Holmes, T.R.H., M. Owe, R.A.M. de Jeu and H. Kooi (2008) Estimating the soil temperature profile from a single depth observation: A simple empirical heatflow solution. Water Resources Research, 44, W02412, doi:10.1029/2007WR005994.
- Green, R.T., M. Taniguchi and H. Kooi (2007) Potential Impacts of Climate Change and Human Activity on Subsurface Water Resources, preface to special issue, Vadose Zone Journal, 6: 531-532, doi:10.2136/vzj2007.0098
- Post, V.E.A., H. Kooi, C.T. Simmons (2007). Using Hydraulic Head Measurements in Variable-Density Ground Water Flow Analyses. Ground Water: DOI 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2007.00339.x
- Marksamer, A.J., M.A. Person, F.D. Day-Lewis, J.W. Lane Jr., D. Cohen, B. Dugan, H. Kooi and M. Willett (2007). Integrating geophysical, hydrochemical, and hydrologic data to understand the freshwater resources on Nantucket Island, Massachusetts, Geophysical Monograph Series 171, 143-160, DOI: 10.129/172GM12
- Garavito, A.M., P. de Canniere, and H. Kooi (2007) In situ chemical osmosis experiment in the Boom Clay at the Mol underground research laboratory. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 32, 421-433 doi:10.1016/j.pce.2006.01.004.
- Garavito, A.M., H. Kooi and C.E. Neuzil (2006) Numerical Modeling of a Long-term In Situ Chemical Osmosis Experiment in the Pierre Shale, South Dakota. Advances in Water Resources, 29, 481-492.
- Bader, S. and H. Kooi (2005) Modelling of solute and water transport in semi-permeable clay membranes: comparison with experiments, Advances in Water Resources, 28, 203-214.
- De Jeu, R., De Reus, A.J. Wagtendonk en H. Kooi (2005) Klassiek veldwerk in een modern jasje, Geo-Info, 2(4), p. 176-180.
- Kooi, H., (2005) Reactie op het artikel: 'Risico's op versnelde daling langs de Nederlandse Kust; Bodemdaling erger dan broeikaseffect' van Dr. Ir. F. Schokking in Land + Water nr. 11, p. 26-27 november 2004. Rapportage in opdracht van Rijks Instituut Kust en Zee (RIKZ; RWS), 5 p.
- Kooi, H., en V.F. Bense (2005) Temperatuurmetingen in grondwaterwaarnemingsbuizen rond pompstation Vlierden (NB); een onderzoek naar de herkomst van het onttrokken grondwater. Rapportage in opdracht van Brabant Water NV, 13 p.
- Bense, V., and H. Kooi (2004) Temporal and spatial variations of shallow subsurface temperature as a record of lateral variations in groundwater flow, J. Geoph. Res., 109, B04103 doi:10.1029/2003JB002782.
- Taniguchi, M., T. Green, H. Kooi, J. van der Gun, O. Varis, G. Ramillien, A. Issar, H. Hoff (2004) GRAPHIC (Groundwater Resources Assessment under the Pressures of Humanity and Climate Change); project proposal, UNESCO.
- Ge, S., B. Bekins, J. Bredehoeft, K. Brown, E.E. Davis, S.M. Gorelick, P. Henry, H. Kooi, A.F. Moench, C. Ruppel, M. Sauter, E. Screaton, P.K. Swart, T. Tokunaga, C.I. Voss, and F. Whitaker (2003). Hydrogeology PPG Final Report. Report to the JOIDES Science Committee (SCICOM) of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP).
- Ge, S., B. Bekins, J. Bredehoeft, K. Brown, E.E. Davis, S.M. Gorelick, P. Henry, H. Kooi, A.F. Moench, C. Ruppel, M. Sauter, E. Screaton, P.K. Swart, T. Tokunaga, C.I. Voss, and F. Whitaker (2003). Fluid flow in sub-seafloor processes and future ocean drilling. EOS, 84, 151-152.
- Post, V.E.A., H. Kooi and J. Groen (2003) Pore-water analyses of low-permeability sediments as a tool for reconstruction of hydrogeological processes.Proceedings SWICA conference, Mexico, March 2003.
- Post, V.E.A., and H. Kooi (2003) On rates of salinization by free convection in high-permeability sediments; insights from numerical modelling and application to te Dutch coastal area. Hydrogeology Journal, 11, 549-559.
- Kooi, H., A.M. Garavito and S. Bader (2003) Numerical modelling of chemical osmosis and ultrafiltration across clay formations. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 78-79, 333-336.
- Kooi, H., and J. Groen (2003) Geological processes and the management of groundwater resources in coastal areas. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 82, 31-40.
- Garavito, A.M., S. Bader, H. Kooi, K. Richter and T.J.S. Keijzer (2002) Numerical modelling of chemical osmosis and ultrafiltration across clay membranes. In: S.M. Hassanizadeh et al. (Editors). Computational Methods in Water Resources. Developments in Water Science, 47, 647-653.
- Kooi, H., and J. Groen (2001) Offshore continuation of coastal groundwater systems; predictions using sharp-interface approximations and variable-density flow modelling. Journal of Hydrology, 246, 19-35.
- Groen, J., V.E.A. Post, H. Kooi and C.J. Hemker (2000). Paleo-hydrology of the sedimentary plain of Suriname. IAHS Publ., 262, 417-424.
- Groen, J., H. Kooi. V. Post and J.J. de Vries (2000). Fresh and moderately brackish groundwaters in coastal plains and continental shelves: Past and ongoing natural processes. Proc. SWIM 16, Poland, 8 pp.
- Post, V., A. Hooijboer, J. Groen, H. Gieske and H. Kooi (2000). Pore water chemistry of clay layers in the southern North Sea: clues to the hydrogeological evolution of coastal areas. Proc. SWIM 16, Poland.
- Smidt, E. and H. Kooi (2000). Coastal groundwater management in Egypt; policy-making supported by geological research. Land & Water 96, 21-22.
- Kooi, H. and J. Groen (2000). Groundwater resources in coastal areas: past and ongoing natural processes. In: Evaluation and Protection of Groundwater Resources. Proceedings of a IAH conference in Wageningen, September 2000, Delft, TNO-NITG, pp. 45-57.
- Kooi, H., J. Groen and A. Leijnse (2000). Modes of seawater intrusion during transgression. Water Resources Research 36, 3581-3590.
- Kooi, H. (2000) Land subsidence due to compaction in the coastal area of The Netherlands: the role of lateral fluid flow and constraints from well-log data. Global & Planetary Change, 27, 207-222.
- Kooi, H. (2000) Natuurlijke verticale bodembewegingen. Speciale uitgave Aarde & Mens ter gelegenheid van het KNGMG-symposium De Waddenzee: de aardwetenschappen en de maatschappij, 22 juni 2000, Leiden, p. 7.
- Kooi, H. (1999) Competition between topography- and compaction-driven flow in a confined aquifer: Some analytical results, Hydrologeology Journal, 7, 245-250.
- Kooi, H., J. de Vries en V. Post (1999) De strijd tussen zoet en zout water, Aarde en Mens, 3, 26-30.
- Kooi, H., A. Shata, J.J. de Vries, O. Gaame, J. Velstra and V.E.A. Post (1999) Distribution and evolution of fresh and salt water in the Quaternary Nile Delta aquifer system, EMGR project report, 90 pp.
- Kooi, H., W.J.M van der Kemp, and J.J. de Vries (1998) Salt water in the Pleistocene Nile delta aquifer; assessment of previous studies and a proposal to re-evaluate the hydrochemical and hydrogeological data in the light of the regional geological history using dynamical numerical models, report to the International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement (ILRI), 44 pp.
- Kooi, H., and J.J. de Vries (1998) Land subsidence and hydrodynamic compaction of sedimentary basins, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2, 159-171.
Landform evolution / geomorphology
- Beaumont, C., H. Kooi and S. Willet (2000). Coupled tectonic-surface process models with applications to rifted margins and collisional orogens. In: Summerfield (ed.), Geomorphology and Global tectonics, Wiley, pp. 29-55.
- Kooi, H. and C. Beaumont (1996) Large-scale geomorphology; classical concepts reconciled and integrated with contemporary ideas via a surface-processes model, J. Geoph. Res., 101, 3361-3386.
- Kooi, H. and C. Beaumont (1994) Escarpment evolution on high-elevation rifted margins; Insights derived from a surface-processes model that combines diffusion, advection and reaction, J. Geoph. Res., 99, 12,191- 12,209.
- Gilchrist, A., H. Kooi, and C. Beaumont (1994) The Post-Gondwana geomorphic evolution of south-western Africa: Implications for the controls on landscape development from observations and numerical experiments, J. Geoph. Res., 99, 12,211-12,12,228.
Tectonics and sedimentary basin evolution
- Den Bezemer, T., H. Kooi J. Kranenborg and S. Cloetingh (2000). Modelling grain-size distributions. A Comparison of two models and their numerical solution. Tectonophysics, 320, 347-374.
- Kooi, H., P. Johnston, K. Lambeck, C. Smither and R. Molendijk (1998) Geological causes of recent (~100 yr) vertical land movement in the Netherlands, Tectonophysics, 299, 297-316.
- Den Bezemer, T., H. Kooi, Y. Podladchikov, and S. Cloetingh (1998) Numerical modelling of growth strata and grain size distributions associated with fold-bend folding, in: Cenozoic foreland basins of western Europe, Geol. Soc.. Spec. Publ., 134, 381-401.
- Kooi, H. (1997) Insufficiency of compaction disequilibrium as the sole cause of high pore fluid pressures in pre-Cenozoic sediments, Basin Research, 9, 227-241.
- Kooi, H. (1996) Contribution of tectonics, isostasy and natural compaction to vertical land movement in the Netherlands, Survey Department, Rijkswaterstaat, Reportnr. MDGAP-9770, 98 pp.
- Kooi, H., S. Cloetingh and J. Burrus (1992) Lithospheric necking and regional isostasy at extensional basins 1. Subsidence and gravity modelling with an application to the Gulf of Lions Margin (SE France). J. Geoph. Res. 97, 17,553-17,571.
- Kooi, H. and S. Cloetingh (1992) Lithospheric necking and regional isostasy at extensional basins 2. Stress-induced vertical motions and relative sea level changes. J. Geoph. Res. 97, 17,573-17,591.
- Cloetingh, S., and H. Kooi (1992) Intraplate stresses and dynamical aspects of rift basins, Tectonophysics, 215, 167-185.
- Cloetingh, S., P. Reemst, H. Kooi and S. Fanavoll (1992) Intraplate stress and the post-Cretaceous uplift and subsidence in northern Atlantic basins, Norsk Geol. Tidsk., 3, 229-235.
- Cloetingh, S. and H. Kooi (1992) Tectonic subsidence and global change - inferences from late Cenozoic subsidence and uplift patterns in the Atlantic/Mediterranean region, Terra Nova, 4, 340-350.
- Desegaulx, P., H. Kooi and S. Cloetingh (1991) Consequences of foreland basin development on thinned continental lithosphere: Applications to the Aquitane basin (SW France), Earth. Plan. Sci. Lett., 106, 116-132.
- De Ruig, M.J., J. Smit, T. Geel and H. Kooi (1991) Effects of the Pyrenean collision on the Paleocene stratigraphic evolution of the southern Iberian margin (southeast Spain), Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 103, 1504-1512.
- Kooi, H., M. Hettema and S. Cloetingh (1991) Lithospheric dynamics and the rapid Pliocene/Quaternary subsidence phase in the southern North Sea basin. Tectonophysics, 192, 245-259.
- Kooi, H. (1991) Teconic modelling of extensional basin evolution; the role of lithospheric flexure, intraplate stress and relative sea-level change, PhD-thesis (proefschrift), Drukkerij Elinkwijk, Utrecht, 182 pp.
- Cloetingh, S., F. Gradstein, H. Kooi, A. Grant and M. Kaminski (1990) Plate reorganization: a cause of rapid late Neogene subsidence and sedimentation around the North Atlantic? J. Geol. Soc. Lon., 147, 495-506.
- Kooi, H. and S. Cloetingh (1989) Some consequences of compressional tectonics for extensional models of basin subsidence, Geol. Rundschau, 78, 183-195.
- Kooi, H. and S. Cloetingh (1989) Intraplate stresses and the tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Central North Sea, Am. Assoc. Petr. Geol. Mem., 46, 541-558.
- Kooi, H., S. Cloetingh and G. Remmelts (1989) Intraplate stresses and the stratigraphic evolution of the North Sea Central Graben, Geol. Mijnb., 68, 49-72.
- Cloetingh, S., H. Kooi and W. Groenewoud (1989) Intraplate stress and sedimentary basin evolution, In: R.A. Price (Editor), Origin and evolution of sedimentary basins and their energy and mineral resources, A.G.U., Geoph. Monogr., 48, p. 1-16.
- Cloetingh, S. and H. Kooi (1989) Intraplate stresses: a new perspective on QDS and Vail's third order sea level changes, In: T.A. Cross (Editor), Quantitative Dynamic Stratigraphy, Prentice-Hall, p. 127-148.
- Cloetingh, S. and H. Kooi (1989) Tectonics and sea-level changes: a reappraisal, In: J. Collinson (Editor), Correlation in Hydrocarbon Exploration, Graham and Trotman, London, p. 3-11.