Aquifer thermal energy & CO2 storage impacts
Theme leader: Dr. Henk Kooi
Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) and Carbon capture and storage (CCS) are important elements
in the portfolio of measures needed in the global energy transition. The number of ATES systems
in The Netherlands is expontentially growing and CO2 storage in both saline aquifers and depleted
gas fields is increasingly deployed around the globe and considered in The Netherlands as well.
In spite of the apparent benefits of these techniques, their implementation requires adjustment
with respect to other (conjunctive) subsurface use such as water supply.
Under this theme, we conduct research aimed at comprehensive understanding of the chemical,
hydrological and thermal impacts of these systems.
PhD project: P.W. (Philip) Visser
Start date: June 2009
Funding: centre of excellence for sustainable water technology (TTIW) Wetsus
PhD project: M. (Matthijs) Bonte
Start date: June 2009
Funding: KWR Water Cycle Institute
PhD project: Z. (Zaman) Ziabakhsh Ganji
Start date: March 2011
Funding: Dutch national R&D programme on CO2 capture, transport and storage (CATO-2)
PD project: M.(Mariene) Gutierrez-Neri
Start date: January 2010
Funding: Dutch national CCS research programme (CATO2)
- Visser,P.W., Kooi, H., Stuyfzand P.J. (2015) The thermal impact of aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) systems; a case study combining monitoring and modeling, Hydrogeology Journal, 23, 507-532, doi:10.1017/s10040-014-1224-z
- Ziabakhsh Ganji Z., Kooi, H. (2014) Sensitivity of CO2 storage capacity of underground geological structures to the presence of SO2 and other impurities, Applied Energy, 135, 43-52
- Ter Voorde, M., van Balen, R., Luijendijk, E., Kooi, H. (2014) Weiselian and Holocene climate history reflected in temperatures in the upper crust of The Netherlands, Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 93(3), 107-117, doi:10.1017/njg.2014.9
- Bonte, M., B.M. van Breukelen, P. J. Stuyfzand. (2013) Environmental impacts of aquifer thermal energy storage investigated by field and laboratory experiments. Journal of Water and Climate Change 4 (2), 77-89
- Ziabakhsh Ganji Z., Kooi, H. (2014) Sensitivity of Joule-Thomson cooling to impure CO2 injection in depleted gas reservoirs, Applied Energy , 113, 434-451, doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2013.07.059.
- Ziabakhsh Ganji Z., Kooi, H. (2012) An Equation of State for thermodynamic equilibrium of gas mixtures and brines to allow simulation of the effects of impurities in subsurface CO2 storage, Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control 11S, 21-34, doi: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2012.07.025.
- Kooi H., M. Gutierrez-Neri, T. Tambach, A. Obdam, D. Loeve, P. van Hemert (2012) Report on studies of the bulk phase behavior of CO2 and of gas mixtures containing CO2, CH4, NOx and SOx in porous medium at various temperatures and pressures, Internal report CATO2-WP3.02-D04, 81 pp. (
- Bonte, M., P. J. Stuyfzand, A. Hulsmann, and P. Van Beelen. (2011) Underground thermal energy storage: environmental risks and policy developments in the Netherlands and European Union. Ecology and Society 16(1): 22.
- Bonte, M., Stuyfzand, P.J., van den Berg, G.A., Hijnen, W.A.M. (2011) Effects of aquifer thermal energy storage on groundwater quality and the consequences for drinking water production: A case study from the Netherlands. Water Science and Technology 63(9): 1922-1931.
- Gutierrez-Neri, M., Tambach, T.J., Kooi H. (2011) Near-well effects during injection during CO2 injection into depleted gas fields; In: Proceedings of the 1st Sustainable Earth Sciences Conference & Exhibition; Technologies for Sustainable Use of the Deep Subsurface, 8-11 November 2011, Valencia, Spain..
- Tambach, T.J., Gutierrez-Neri, M., Koenen, M., van Bergen, F., Kooi, H., van der Meer, L.G.H. (2011) Reactive transport modelling of CO2 injection into P18; In: Proceedings of the 1st Sustainable Earth Sciences Conference & Exhibition; Technologies for Sustainable Use of the Deep Subsurface, 8-11 November 2011, Valencia, Spain.
- Green, T.R., M. Taniguchi, H. Kooi, J.J. Gurdak, D.M. Allen, K,M. Hiscock, H. Treidel, and A. Aureli (2011) Beneath the surface of global change: Impacts of climate change on groundwater, Journal of Hydrology 405, 532-560. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.05.002.
- Kooi, H., Visser, P., Bonte, M. (2011) Geothermal conditions and processes in the Dutch subsurface to several hundred meters depth, Proceedings 1st Nationaal Congres Bodemenergie, Utrecht, 13-14 Oct 2011, A1_1430.
- Visser, P., Kooi, H., Bonte, M. (2011) The influence of aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) on the subsurface heat balance, in relation to other natural and man induced processes,Proceedings 1st Nationaal Congres Bodemenergie, Utrecht, 13-14 Oct 2011, A1_1530.
- Bonte, M., Visser, P., Kooi, H., van Breukelen, B., Claas, J., Rovati, C., Stuyfzand, P. (2011) Effects of aquier thermal energy storage on groundwater quality elucidated by field and laboratory investigation, Proceedings 1st Nationaal Congres Bodemenergie, Utrecht, 13-14 Oct 2011, A1_1650.
- Gutierrez-Neri, M., Tambach, T.J., Kooi H. (2011) Near-well effects during injection during CO2 injection into depleted gas fields; In: Proceedings of the 1st Sustainable Earth Sciences Conference & Exhibition; Technologies for Sustainable Use of the Deep Subsurface, 8-11 November 2011, Valencia, Spain..
- Kooi, H., (2008) Spatial variability in subsurface warming over the last three decades; insight from repeated borehole temperature measurements in The Netherlands. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 270, 86-94. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.03.015
Last modified: Wed Dec 30 13:27:56 CET 2015