Managed Aquifer Recharge and Storage
Theme leader: Prof. Pieter Stuyfzand
Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) comprises techniques like artificial recharge (AR) and River bank filtration (RBF), that can partly solve or mitigate the mondial water crisis, which is deemed to worsen due to climate change and growing water demands.
Important advantages of these techniques consist of (1) very high recharge rates utilizing relatively small surface areas; (2) the transformation of unreliable, often polluted surface water into hygienically safe groundwater of much better quality; and (3) subterranean storage which protects the water against evaporation losses, algae blooms, atmospheric fallout of pollutants, and earthquake hazards.
Disadvantages may consist of cumbersome clogging phenomena, water losses due to mixing with brackish groundwater, and natural reactions with the porous medium. The latter may raise the concentrations of for instance Fe, As, F, Mn, NH4, Ca, DOC, 222Rn and 226Ra and thus necessitate a post-treatment.
In addition, surface waters to be stored may contain emerging pollutants like pharmaceuticals, personal care products, xeno-oestrogens and nanoparticles, the behavior of which is still poorly understood.
The introduction of MAR systems therefore raises many technical and scientific questions.
In our research program the focus is mainly on the following key topics:
Current Projects
- Hydrological and hydrochemical effects and feasibility of Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) and Aquifer Transfer and Recovery (ATR) in the Netherlands and abroad. Duration: 1977-2015, Funding: since 2004: WML (Water supply company Limburg; 2004-2009), DPW (drinking water supply companies Dunea, PWN and Waternet: 2011-2013), BTO (Joint Research Programme of Dutch Waterworks: 2009-2012), TTIW (2009-2013), KvK2 (2010-2015)
- In its Spaarwater project (in Dutch), the Acacia Institute operates several pilot projects in the Netherlands to study the use and economic aspects of implementing small-scale managed aquifer recharge systems for agricultural use. These systems infiltrate field drainage water in wet periods for irrigation purposes, with side benefits for nutrient leaching and reduction of surface water contamination by pesticides and bacteria. Contact Dr. M.J. Waterloo for more information.
- Dr. J. Groen, Dr. B.M. van Breukelen and colleagues from the TU Delft and Utrecht University are working together in a Dutch NWO funded Delta-MAR project with Dhaka University and UNICEF-Bangladesh on implementation of small-scale MAR systems in Bangladesh. The document on underground fresh water storage provides details on such systems. A video discussing the differences and similarities between MAR techniques in Bangladesh and The Netherlands can be viewed here.
Papers in Dutch (~10) and reports (~50) excluded
- Antoniou, E.A., P.J. Stuyfzand & B.M. van Breukelen Submitted. Reactive transport modeling of an aquifer storage & recovery (ASR) pilot in an anoxic sandy aquifer. Submitted to Applied Geochemistry.
- Antoniou, E.A., B.M. van Breukelen, B. Putters & P.J. Stuyfzand 2012. Hydrogeochemical patterns, processes and mass transfers during aquifer storage & recovery (ASR) in an anoxic sandy aquifer. Accepted Applied Geochemistry.
- Wallis, I., H. Prommer, C.T. Simmons, V. Post & P.J. Stuyfzand 2010. Evaluation of conceptual and numerical models for arsenic mobilization and attenuation during managed aquifer recharge. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2010, 44, 5035-5041.
- Stuyfzand, P.J. & R.D.G. Pyne 2010. Arsenic behavior in SW Florida ASR systems and its expert modeling. ISMAR-7, Abu Dhabi, 9-13 Oct 2010.
- Foppen, J.W.A., M. van Herwerden, M. Kebtie, A. Noman, J.F. Schijven, P.J. Stuyfzand & S. Uhlenbrook 2008. Transport of Escherichia Coli and solutes during waste water infiltration in an urban alluvial aquifer. J. Contam. Hydrol. 95 (2008) 1-16.
- Stuyfzand P.J., J.W. Kooiman, A. Oosterhof & K.J. Raat 2007. Problems and solutions when recharging brackish aquifers with membrane concentrate from a less brackish groundwater source. In: Management of aquifer recharge for sustainability, P. Fox (ed), Proc. ISMAR-6, 28 Oct-2 Nov 2007, Phoenix AR USA, Acacia Publ. INc., Phoenix, 47-60.
- Stuyfzand, P.J., W. Segers & N. Van Rooijen 2007. Behavior of pharmaceuticals and other emerging pollutants in various artificial recharge systems in the Netherlands. In: Management of aquifer recharge for sustainability, P. Fox (ed), Proc. ISMAR-6, 28 Oct - 2 Nov 2007, Phoenix AR USA, Acacia Publ. INc., Phoenix, 231-245.
- Prommer, H. & P.J. Stuyfzand 2006. On the use of reactive multicomponent transport modelling for assessing water quality changes during managed aquifer recharge. Proc. 5th Intern. Symp. on Management of Aquifer Recharge, ISMAR-5, Berlin 11-16 June 2005, UNESCO IHP-VI, Series on Groundwater No. 13, 415-420.
- Stuyfzand, P.J., J.C. Wakker & B. Putters 2006. Water quality changes during Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR): results from pilot Herten (Netherlands), and their implications for modeling. Proc. 5th Intern. Symp. on Management of Aquifer Recharge, ISMAR-5, Berlin 11-16 June 2005, UNESCO IHP-VI, Series on Groundwater No. 13, 164-173.
- Prommer, H. & P.J. Stuyfzand 2005. Identification of temperature-dependent water quality changes during a deep well injection experiment in a pyritic aquifer. Environ. Sci. & Technol. 39, 2200-2209.
- Vanderzalm, J.L., C. Le Gal la Salle, P.J. Stuyfzand & P. Dillon 2005. Easy-Leacher of water quality changes during ASR at Bolivar. In: Water quality improvements during aquifer storage and recovery, Vol.1 Water quality improvements, P. Dillon & S. Toze (eds). AWWA report 91056F, 215-228.
- Stuyfzand, P.J., J. Bunnik, G.J. Medema, A.J. Vogelaar, J. Wakker & S.M.L. Verheijden 2005. Water quality changes, clogging and pathogen transport during deep well injection in the South-East Netherlands (DIZON). In: Water quality improvements during aquifer storage and recovery, Vol.2 Compilation of information from ten sites, P. Dillon & S. Toze (eds), AWWA report 91056F, 77-103.
- Stuyfzand, P.J. 2005. Easy-Leacher modeling of water during deep well injection at Someren. In: Water quality improvements during aquifer storage and recovery, Vol.1 Water quality improvement processes, P. Dillon & S. Toze (eds), AWWA report 91056F, 197-213.
- Saaltink, M.W., C. Ayora, P.J. Stuyfzand & H. Timmer 2003. Analysis of a deep well recharge experiment by calibrating a reactive transport model with field data. J. Contaminant Hydrol 65, 1-18.
- Medema, G.J. & P.J. Stuyfzand 2002. Removal of micro-organisms upon basin recharge, deep well injection and river bank filtration in the Netherlands. In Dillon, P.J. (ed), Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability, Proc. 4th Internat. Symp. on Artificial Recharge, Adelaide, Australia, 22-26 Sept. 2002, Balkema, 125-131.
- Stuyfzand, P.J., A.J. Vogelaar & J. Wakker 2002. Hydrogeochemistry of prolonged deep well injection and subsequent aquifer storage in pyritiferous sands; DIZON pilot, Netherlands. In Dillon, P. J. (ed), Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability, Proc. 4th Internat. Symp. on Artificial Recharge, Adelaide, Australia, 22-26 Sept. 2002, Balkema, 107-110.
- Stuyfzand, P.J. 2002c. Optimizing the cycle testing and chemical monitoring program for new ASR wells by a monitoring expert system in water resources. In Dillon, P. J. (ed), Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability, Proc. 4th Internat. Symp. on Artificial Recharge, Adelaide, Australia, 22-26 Sept. 2002, Balkema, 111-114.
- Stuyfzand, P.J. 2001. Pyrite oxidation and side-reactions upon deep well injection. In WRI-10, Proc. 10th Internat. Symp. on Water Rock Interaction, Villasimius, Italy, 10-15 June 2001, Volume 2, 1151-1154.
- Stuyfzand, P.J. 2001. Modelling chemical reactions during deep well injection at Langerak and Nieuwegein with EASY-LEACHER. In 'Artificial recharge of groundwater', Final report EC project ENV4-CT95-0071, ISBN 92-894-0186-9, European Commission EUR 19400, 270-277.
- Stuyfzand, P.J. & H. Timmer 2001. Deep well injection: reactions in pyritiferous sands at the Langerak and Nieuwegein sites (Netherlands). In 'Artificial recharge of groundwater', Final report EC project ENV4-CT95-0071, ISBN 92-894-0186-9, European Commission EUR 19400, 193-212.
- Stuyfzand, P.J. 2000. Strategy for Cycle Testing and Water Quality Monitoring at the ASR-Trial near Stockbury, Kent. Kiwa-report KOA 00.096, 41p.
- Stuyfzand, P.J. & H. Timmer 1999. Deep well injection at the Langerak and Nieuwegein sites in the Netherlands: chemical reactions and their modeling. Kiwa-report SWE 99.006, 44p.
- Timmer, H. & P.J. Stuyfzand 1998. Experiments with deep well infiltration along the river Rhine, for drinking water supply. In: Peters J.H. (ed), Artificial Recharge of groundwa-ter, Proc. 3rd Intern. Symp. on Artificial Recharge, Amsterdam the Netherlands, Balkema, 181-185.
- Saaltink, M.W., C. Ayora, P.J. Stuyfzand & H. Timmer 1998. Modelling the effects of deep artificial recharge on groundwater quality. In: Peters J.H. (ed), Artificial Recharge of groundwater, Proc. 3rd Intern. Symp. on Artificial Recharge, Amsterdam the Netherlands, Balkema, 423-425.
- De Ruiter, H. & P.J. Stuyfzand 1998. An experiment on well recharge of oxic water into an anoxic aqui-fer. In: Peters J.H. (ed), Artificial Recharge of groundwater, Proc. 3rd Intern. Symp. on Artificial Recharge, Amsterdam the Netherlands, Balkema, 299-304.
- Brun, A., F.D. Christensen, J.S. Christiansen, P.J. Stuyfzand & H. Timmer 1998. Water quality modelling at the Langerak deep-well recharge site. In: Peters J.H. (ed), Artificial Recharge of groundwater, Proc. 3rd Intern. Symp. on Artificial Recharge, Amsterdam the Netherlands, Balkema, 305-310.
- Stuyfzand, P.J. 1998. Simple models for reactive transport of pollutants and main constituents during artificial recharge and bank filtration. In: Peters J.H. (ed), Artificial recharge of groundwater, Proc. 3rd Intern. Symp. on Artificial Recharge, Amsterdam the Netherlands, Balkema, 427-434.
- Stuyfzand, P.J. 1998. Quality changes upon injection into anoxic aquifers in the Netherlands: evaluation of 11 experiments. In: Peters J.H. (ed), Artificial recharge of groundwater, Proc. 3rd Intern. Symp. on Artificial Recharge, Amsterdam the Netherlands, Balkema, 283-291.
- Stuyfzand, P.J. 1989. Vergelijking van kunstmatige infiltratie via vijvers en putten in geohydrochemisch op-zicht. H2O 22, 721-728.
- Appelo, C.A.J., P.J. Stuyfzand & G.B. Engelen 1979. Reacties van Rijnwater in de Veluwe en duinen: een experimentele studie en een infiltratie proef. H20 12, 328-332.
Last modified: Wed Dec 30 10:02:47 CET 2015