TU Delft

Critical Zone Hydrology Group



Global change impacts

Sustainable aquifer use

Reactive transport
Systems analysis
Gw-Sw interactions
Managed recharge
Thermal energy & CO2



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Managed Aquifer Recharge and Storage

Theme leader: Prof. Pieter Stuyfzand

Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) comprises techniques like artificial recharge (AR) and River bank filtration (RBF), that can partly solve or mitigate the mondial water crisis, which is deemed to worsen due to climate change and growing water demands. Important advantages of these techniques consist of (1) very high recharge rates utilizing relatively small surface areas; (2) the transformation of unreliable, often polluted surface water into hygienically safe groundwater of much better quality; and (3) subterranean storage which protects the water against evaporation losses, algae blooms, atmospheric fallout of pollutants, and earthquake hazards. Disadvantages may consist of cumbersome clogging phenomena, water losses due to mixing with brackish groundwater, and natural reactions with the porous medium. The latter may raise the concentrations of for instance Fe, As, F, Mn, NH4, Ca, DOC, 222Rn and 226Ra and thus necessitate a post-treatment. In addition, surface waters to be stored may contain emerging pollutants like pharmaceuticals, personal care products, xeno-oestrogens and nanoparticles, the behavior of which is still poorly understood.
The introduction of MAR systems therefore raises many technical and scientific questions. In our research program the focus is mainly on the following key topics:

Current Projects



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Last modified: Wed Dec 30 10:02:47 CET 2015