Sustainable systems for underground storage of drinking water
Supervisors and collaborators:
Duration: 2009-2013
Funding: TTIW Programme Register 'Interaction with Natural Systems'.
Research questions
- Identification and quantification of hydrogeochemical processes which deteriorate the quality of the abstracted water (focusing on pyritiferous aquifers in the Netherlands)
- Optimization of natural subsurface treatment of water during ASR applications.
- Implementation of reactive transport models able to predict the abstracted water quality with subsequent ASR cycles
- Antoniou, E. A., Stuyfzand, P. J. and van Breukelen, B. M., 2013. Reactive transport modeling of an aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) pilot to assess long-term water quality improvements and potential solutions. Applied Geochemistry 35 (0), 173-186.
- Antoniou, E. A., van Breukelen, B. M., Putters, B. and Stuyfzand, P. J., 2012. Hydrogeochemical patterns, processes and mass transfers during aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) in an anoxic sandy aquifer. Applied Geochemistry 27 (12), 2435-2452.