Aquifer Storage and Recovery as a tool for self-sufficient fresh water supply
Supervisors and collaborators:
- P.J. Stuyfzand - VU University/KWR Watercycle Research Institute
- B.M. van Breukelen - VU University
- M. Paalman - KWR Watercycle Research Institute
- W.J. Zaadnoordijk - KWR Watercycle Research Institute/TU Delft
- N. Hartog - KWR Watercycle Research Institute / Utrecht University
Duration: 2010-2014
Funding: Knowledge for Climate
Research questions
- How can Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) systems be improved so as to maintain or enhance favorable soil-water interactions (like denitrification and biodegradation of pollutants) while minimizing the negative interactions with the local environment (such as arsenic mobilization)?
- What are the risks of well clogging during ASR operation and what can be done to prevent this clogging?
- How can ASR fresh water lenses be monitored and prevented from drifting away due to lateral groundwater flow and/or buoyancy?
- How can the ASR performance within a region be estimated a priori using ASR performance estimation methods, basic hydrogeological data and GIS?
- Zuurbier, K., Bakker, M., Zaadnoordijk, W. and Stuyfzand, P., 2013. Identification of potential sites for aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) in coastal areas using ASR performance estimation methods. Hydrogeology Journal, 21(6): 1373-1383.
- Zuurbier, K.G., Hartog, N., Valstar, J., Post, V.E.A. and van Breukelen, B.M., 2013. The impact of low-temperature seasonal aquifer thermal energy storage (SATES) systems on chlorinated solvent contaminated groundwater: Modeling of spreading and degradation. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 147(0): 1-13.
- Zuurbier, K.G., Stuyfzand, P.J. and Kooiman, J.W., 2013. The Freshmaker: enabling aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) of freshwater using horizontal directional drilled wells (HDDWs) in coastal areas, International symposium on managed aquifer recharge (ISMAR) 8, Beijing, China.
- Zuurbier, K.G., Zaadnoordijk, W.J. and Stuyfzand, P.J., 2013. Enabling successful small- to medium-scale aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) in coastal aquifers using spatial performance estimation and multiple partially penetrating wells, International symposium on managed aquifer recharge (ISMAR) 8, Beijing, China.
- Zuurbier, K.G. and Stuyfzand, P., 2012. Kennis voor klimaat Veldproef ondergrondse waterberging Nootdorp (WP4), Zoet-zouttweedagse Texel, Texel.
- Zuurbier, K.G. and Stuyfzand, P., 2012. Optimizing small- to medium-scaleaquifer storage and recovery, 22nd SaltWater Intrusion Meeting, Buzios, Brazilië.
- Zuurbier, K.G., Zaadnoordijk, W.J. and Stuyfzand, P., 2012. Optimizing small-scale aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) in coastal aquifers for irrigation water supply, 22nd SaltWater Intrusion Meeting, Buzios, Brazilië.
- Zuurbier, K.G., 2011. Potential of Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) for a climate-proof irrigation water supply, Bodembreed Symposium, Lunteren.
- Zuurbier, K.G., Hartog, N., Valstar, J. and van Nieuwkerk, E., 2011. Sterk verbeterde analyse van interactie WKO en VOCI, H2O, pp. 33-36.
- Zuurbier, K.G., Paalman, M. and Stuyfzand, P.J., 2011. Making innovative water technologies feasible in practice: use of Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) in irrigation water supply and water reuse, International Water Week 2011, Amsterdam.