Adapting to drought and salinisation in the coupled groundwater-surface water system
Supervisors and collaborators:
Duration: 2010-2014
Funding: Knowledge for Climate programme 'Climate proof fresh water supply'
Research questions
- How does the functioning of the hydrological system change in dry summers?
- What causes the spatial and temporal variation in salt load?
- How will climate change affect the hydrological system? What is the future water demand?
- How can we adequately describe this system quantitatively?
- Delsman, J., Oude Essink, G., Salt load to an agricultural catchment: seepage flux times concentration, or is there more to it than that? Insights from a multi-scale tracer study, Buzios, Brazil, SWIM 17-21 June, 2012.
- Delsman, J. and G.H.P. Oude Essink, Uncertainty in mixing models: a blessing in disguise? Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-13515, 2012, EGU General Assembly 2012.
- Delsman, Joost., Gualbert Oude Essink, Koos Groen & Pieter Stuyfzand, 2012. Waterbeheer in een zoutere toekomst: waar zit de ruimte in ons watersysteem? Zout-zout tweedaagse Texel.
- Stuyt, L., Hoogvliet, M. , Bakel, van, J., Veraart, J., Paulissen, M., Delsman J., Oude Essink, G., Kansrijkheid van anders omgaan met zout: Een druppel op de gloeiende plaat, of niet? Memo Handelingsruimte 020312-1030, Samenwerking Alterra en Deltares, Bakelse Stroom, 27 p.
- Stuyt, L., Oude Essink, G., Bakel, van, J., Delsman J., Handelingsruimte Zoutmanagement, Eureyeopener, Samenwerking Alterra en Deltares, Bakelse Stroom, 28 p.