A multi-disciplinary approach to analyze and manage groundwater scarcity and quality problems in the Damour coastal Aquifer South Beirut, Lebanon.
Supervisors and collaborators:
Duration: April 2010-2014
Funding: Partial funding by International Navigation Trading and Contracting Co. (INTC), Lebanon.
Research questions
- To what extent does saltwater intrusion affect the groundwater quality in the Damour coastal aquifer compared to other anthropogenic factors?
- What are the main hydrogeochemical processes responsible for the current groundwater conditions and their influence on the future scenarios of the system?
- What are the possible aquifer restoration schemes and practical solutions to rehabilitate the studied aquifer or similar coastal aquifers?
- Khadra W.M. and Stuyfzand P.J., 2013. Separating Baseline Conditions from Anthropogenic Impacts: The Damour Coastal Aquifer (Lebanon) as an Example, Hydrological Sciences Journal, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2013.841912
Publications in progress
- Khadra W.M., Stuyfzand P.J., and van Breukelen B.M. Quantitative hydrogeochemical assessment of a salinized aquifer, south of Beirut (Lebanon): current conditions and future scenarios.
- Khadra W.M. and Stuyfzand P.J. Saltwater intrusion simulation of a fractured coastal aquifer in Lebanon apt to natural and anthropogenic stresses.