Soil water dynamics and runoff generation under forest and pasture in central Amazonia
Researcher: Martin G. Hodnett
Former affiliation: Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, UK
- L.A. Cuartas - INPE, Sao Jose dos Campos, SP
- M.D. Oyama - INPA, Manaus
- J. Tomasella - CPTEC-INPE, Cachoeira Paulista, SP
- I. Vendrame - CTA-ITA, Sao Jose dos Campos, SP
- M.J. Waterloo - Acacia Water, Gouda
Duration: Field phases 1990-1993 and 2001-2003
Funding: Overseas Development Administration of the U.K; EU-PPG7; FINEP
Research questions
- How do soil water depletion and recharge dynamics differ between rain forest and pasture in central Amazonia?
- What is the role of deep root soil water uptake?
- How do hillslope soil water dynamics affect valley-bottom groundwater levels and headwater stormflow generation?
Project publications
- Cuartas, H.L.A., Tomasella, J., Nobre, A.D., Nobre, C.A., Hodnett, M.G., Waterloo, M.J. and Mota de Oliveira, S. (2012). Distributed hydrological modeling of a micro-scale rainforest watershed in Amazonia: Model evaluation and advances in calibration using the new HAND terrain model, Journal of Hydrology 462-463: 15-27.
- Nobre, A.D., Cuartas, L.A., Hodnett, M.G., Renno, C.D., Rodrigues, G., Silveira, A., Waterloo, M.J. and Saleska, S. (2011). Height above the nearest drainage, a hydrologically relevant new terrain model. Journal of Hydrology 404: 13-29.
- Hodnett, M.G., Tomasella, J., Cuartas, L.A., Waterloo, M.J., Nobre, A.C. & Bruijnzeel, L.A. (in prep.). Near-surface hydrological flow paths in a ferralsol (oxisol) landscape in central Amazonia: do they exist? In preparation.
- Tomasella, J., Hodnett, M. G., Cuartas, L. A., Nobre, A. D., Waterloo, M. J. and Oliveira, S. M. (2008), The water balance of an Amazonian micro-catchment: the effect of interannual variability of rainfall on hydrological behaviour. Hydrological Processes 22: 2133-2147. doi: 10.1002/hyp.6813.
- Hodnett, M.G., Vendrame, I., Marques Filho, A. de O., Oyama, M.D. & Tomasella, J. (1997). Soil water storage and groundwater behaviour in a catenary sequence beneath forest in Central Amazonia: I. Comparisons between plateau, slope and valley floor. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 1, 265-277.
- Hodnett, M.G., Vendrame, I., Marques Filho, A. de O., Oyama, M.D. & Tomasella, J. (1997). Soil water storage and groundwater behaviour in a catenary sequence beneath forest in Central Amazonia: II. Floodplain water table behaviour and implications for streamflow generation. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 1, 279-290.
- Hodnett, M.G., Tomasella, J., Marques Filho, A. de E. & Oyama, M.D. (1996). Deep soil water uptake by forest in central Amazonia: predictions from long-term daily rainfall data using a simple water balance model. In J.H.C. Gash et al. (Editors), Amazonian Deforestation and Climate. J. Wiley and Sons, New York, pp. 79-99.
- Hodnett, Pimentel da Silva, L., da Rocha, H.R. & Senna, C.R. (1996). Comparisons of long-term soil water storage behaviour under pasture and forest in three areas of Amazonia. In J.H.C. Gash et al. (Editors), Amazonian Deforestation and Climate. J. Wiley and Sons, New York, pp. 57-77.
- Tomasella, J. & Hodnett, M.G. (1996). Soil hydraulic properties and Van Genuchten parameters for an oxisol under pasture in central Amazonia. In J.H.C. Gash et al. (Editors), Amazonian Deforestation and Climate. J. Wiley and Sons, New York, pp. 101-124.
- Hodnett, M.G., da Silva, L.P., da Rocha, H.R. & Senna, R.C. (1995). Seasonal soil water storage changes beneath central Amazonian rainforest and pasture. Journal of Hydrology 170, 233-254.
Last modified: Wed Dec 30 13:26:59 CET 2015