Critical Zone Hydrology Group





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Services and consulting

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Services and consulting

Over the years the CZHG has provided a variety of services - mostly on a contract basis - to outside parties all over the world. These include sample analysis in the Faculty's hydrogeochemistry and stable isotope laboratories, geophysical field surveys, on-demand courses, participation in workshops, as well as the provision of second opinions and consultancies. Clients have varied from water supply companies, regional Water Boards, consultancy firms, provincial governments, donor institutions and various NGOs in developing countries to other universities and industries.
Our drive to offer these services is threefold: apart from the financial incentive many of our MSc students participate in these projects to do their final masters thesis. This allows them to expand their professional network and obtain first-hand practical experience, both in the Netherlands and abroad. Last, but certainly not least, the Group's members feel a moral inclination to help solving the challenges faced by mankind in dealing with the hydrological impacts of climate change and land degradation.
Below a shortlist of recent projects is presented to give an impression of the nature of our services. The capacity of the Group to provide external services is necessarily limited. Assignments related to the Group's key research themes will be given priority. Feel free to contact the corresponding research leaders or specialists.

More information

Client Country Year Subject Methodology
AMREF Tanzania 2010 Groundwater exploration and design of drinking water wells Geophysical (TDEM) surveys and borehole logging
KSIR Kuwait 2010 Assessment of groundwater salinity in desert conditions Geophysical (TDEM) surveys and borehole logging
Acacia water Netherlands, de Schermer polder 2011 Monitoring of soil moisture, groundwater and drainage from an agricultural field during the summer in relation to projected climate change TDEM soil moisture probes, tensiometers, groundwater levels, meteorological observations
Rijkswaterstaat, Rijnland Waterschap Netherlands, Zuid-Holland Zeeland 2011, 2012 Assessment of dyke properties: soil moisture, dyke structure and lithology Geophysical (FDEM and passive microwave) surveys
Provinciaal Waterleidingbedrijf Noord Holland Netherlands, Noord-Holland 2011 Assessment of fresh and salt groundwater on the beach and offshore Geophysical (Skytem and CVES) surveys
Acacia water Mongolia 2011 Groundwater survey of the Southern Gobi District Chemical and isotope analyses of groundwater
Last modified: Mon Dec 28 15:22:48 CET 2015