The VUA also has a long track record in applied research in semi-arid environments (Botswana, Burkina Faso).
Many MSc studies, often in collaboration with Acacia Water Ltd are carried out related to groundwater exploration, assessment of recharge, water harvesting techniques , effects of Land use and Climate change.
Sand dams or underground dams have been studied as well. In cooperation with the Dutch RAIN and Aqua4all foundations the 3R (rentention, recharge, reuse) concept has been developed.
Studies in the Sahel region, Horn of Africa, Kenia, Nepal and Bangladesh into the applicability of water harvesting techniques for drinking water supply and regreening (Retention, Recharge and Reuse = 3R).
Duration: 2010-present
Funding: Aquaforall, RAIN, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Directorate of Development Cooperation), UNESCO
Research and rationalization of bottom up initiatives in land and water use in river basins as adaptations to climate change (Ghana, Peru, Ethiopia, Vietnam).
Duration: 2009-2012
Funding: Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Directorate of Development Cooperation)